Sunday, 6 December 2015

Getting It Done - What I learnt from finishing the Neural Network Algorithm

Sometimes, implementation causes rethinks. In this post I'll review the design decisions I've made getting the back propagation algorithm working, hopefully shedding some light on the practicalities of implementing an algorithm using the Parallella architecture that may be helpful to others.

Before reading this post, I highly recommend watching the presentation by Anish Varghese from the ANU. They did some tricky stuff in machine code to gain a performance boost that is not available in straight OpenCL but their comments on the relative speed of inter-core communication and ARM-Epiphany communication is relevant regardless of language. 

Writing this post I'm using Brown Deer OpenCL (version 1.6.2) and the Ubuntu 14.04 image from 30 Jan 2015.

To have a look at the code referred to in this post look here or execute the following shell command:

git clone -b blog12Files


Since the last posting, I have written the code that trains my neural network - a process called back propagation. The first thing I had to do was to restructure the feed forward kernel so that it did not discard the intermediate values that are needed in the backward pass. However, it was the management of the complexity that proved the biggest challenge. To manage the complexity I made two design decisions one of which worked out and one that didn't.

Restructure of Feed Forward

My primary goal was to get the algorithm working correctly with speed and efficiency in second place. I had already written the first part of the process (called the feed forward pass) and I'd made some design decisions that were suitable for that process in isolation but proved poor choices for back propagation. 

A neural network is made up of a number of layers (>=3). Each layer takes an input vector and produces an output vector which then become the input to the next layer. When only running the network forward the intermediate results can be discarded and initially that is what I did.

However, when I came to write the back propagation process, I needed these values. I had to change the feed forward algorithm to keep them. While I think I came up with a better solution in the end, the basic lesson, "start with the end in mind" aka "Top down design" still applies.

Complexity - Sometimes you can make it worse!

Back propagation is a tricky little algorithm. Adjusting the weights requires calculating the error in the output and for the intermediate layers that is a sum of the errors on the outgoing weights. In a single threaded implementation you just take one (intermediate) node at a time and iterate through the outgoing weights which are all available in shared memory, calculate the error and then iterate through the incoming weights and calculate the adjustment. While this is a little simplified, the key point is that all of the data is available at all times. 

In the Epiphany architecture each processor has its own memory and so how the task is split up and how data is shared between processors are critical design decisions and come with their own set of problems.

Decision 1 - What goes where

In my first blog post I discussed carving up the task. It was a very "thinking about" sort of post. It had to be, I hadn't gotten the Parallella yet. For the purposes of this post, I'll take a simpler approach. EVERY CORE GETS 1/16th OF THE JOB (or as close to it as possible).

Complexity 1: Indexes

That does not sound complicated but even in a simple, input -> process -> output where you are processing data in arrays you start to get a proliferation of indexes. For example:

You have one for the global input, one for the local copy of the chunk processed by the individual core from which you produce a chunk of output which you then have to copy back to global memory before exiting. If the dimensions of the input and output are different this means that you are juggling four indexes.

A neural network is a little more complicated still. They are multi-dimensional with the size of each dimension (i.e. each layer) changing as you pass through the data structure.

Complexity Reducing Idea No. 1: Keep all the arrays the same size. Therefore the data structure private to the core is the same size as the global arrays. You have to make is as big as the biggest layer and then recalculate where each core starts and stops as you pass through the data. The data flow would look like this (highly simplified):

Clearly there is wasted space in the memory local to all cores (where space is at a premium) but traversing all arrays needs only one index.

Initially I had the global input and the local copy of the input aligned and the local copy of the node biases aligned and the intermediate values and the output aligned. That worked while I was only running the network forward. Then I got to do the back propagation and remembered that I needed to keep the intermediate values generated by the hidden layers. Then I decided that it would be a good idea to keep a copy of the node biases (and weights) so that they could be updated locally and the training could be run multiple times. Then I decided that it would be more efficient for the input to be copied onto the front of the array containing the output for each layer then it could be treated in the same way as the output from layer zero.

Idea No.1 turned out to be not very bright at all. Now I have virtually no alignment and a lot more wasted space that I bargained for - none of the benefit and a much higher cost. The other thing about back propagation is that you are referring to values from the current layer, the next layer and the previous layer in order to adjust the weights so you end up with lots of indexes anyway. This mess is still a part of the files for this post. I'll clean it up for the next version.

The only solution as I see it is to minimise the use of private memory and use descriptive names for the indexes. Coming up with good names is tedious and difficult but in a complex program it will make a huge difference. You will also end up with a lot of "parallel" indexes in for loops, thus: 

local_index = global_start - core_offset;   // set the relative start positions
for (global_array_iterator = global_start; global_array_iterator < global_end; global_array_iterator++)
     local_array[local_index] = genius(global_array[global_array_iterator]);
     local_index++;    // manually advance one iterator

Also, using the overall strategy of copy-in, process, copy-out will mean that mixing the local (_private) memory indexes and the global memory indexes are not mixed too much.

I store all of the indexes in an array of structures so that I don't have to work it out each time. This meant that there was an array of indexes that needed its own index but that came for free because it was the same as the layer that I was working on (i.e. the outermost for loop index).

Decision 2: Passing Intermediate Values

So, each core is processing 1/16th of the data. In my neural network simulator I decided that the variable length data is passed in via a couple of arrays and that the space for them is compiled into the kernel using JIT compilation as I described in a previous post. The method I used to decide which core processed which section of the data was as follows:

#define CORECOUNT 16

int gid = get_global_id(0);
int allCores = dataWidth / CORECOUNT;  /// all cores get this many
int leftOver = dataWidth % CORECOUNT;  /// the remainder are distributed one per core starting from core0 until all are allocated

int start = ((gid * allCores) + min(gid, leftOver)); 
int end = start + allCores + ((gid < leftOver) ? 1 : 0);

This works well for each core to determine where to start processing in the global data structure. What it does not tell you is which core is processing an arbitrary data point. 

If you have read my hand-waving description of the back propagation process you will recall that the "back" part refers to the backwards flow of data to previous layers in order to determine the error of those layers (let's call this data "weight deltas"). 

I've arranged my weights to be contiguous for the node that receives their contribution in the forward pass. This allows the forward pass to calculate the node value by traversing a contiguous sequence of weight values. In the backwards pass the weight delta of each weight has to be returned to its "origin node". To pass it directly back to the core that "owns" that node I needed a similar simple formula.

Complexity 2: Inter-core communication

With processing distributed over a number of cores, figuring out what core is responsible for which datum can be difficult.

Complexity Reducing Idea No. 2: Use global memory as a scratch pad to communicate between the cores.

The good thing about global memory is that it is big (32Mb). The bad thing is that it is slow. The ugly thing is that all cores have equal access to all of it and therefore you'd better be careful about race conditions.

To return the weight delta to it's "origin node", I calculate it when updating "destination node" and write it to the global array called g_weightDeltas. Then, when I come to calculate the error of the "origin node" I read it from g_weightDeltas adding them as I go. This is not quite as simple as it sounds. When calculating the error of each "origin node" you need a weight delta from all nodes in the subsequent layer. I decided to organise g_weightDeltas in the same way is the weights themselves for consistency. This means that writing them happens in the same order as calculating them but reading them requires some index gymnastics to pick the right value from the array, thus:

outputError += g_weightDeltas[nextLayer_globalWgtZero + (w * curLayerWidth) + layerNodeIterator];

outputError is the accumulated error for the node
nextLayer_globalWgtZero is the index of first weight connecting the current layer with the next layer (don't forget that I'm organising the weight deltas in the same way as the weights)
curLayerWidth is the number of nodes in the current layer (therefore the number of weights for each node in the next layer)
w is the current weight
layerNodeIterator is the current node

Idea No. 2 did work out. For a little index gymnastics I saved a bit of tricky programming (aka laborious debugging) and I now have a way of checking the inter-core communication when I come to do it (leaving the global array there for now I can check the directly passed values to the global array values). The global array is easy to debug because I can call clmsync on return and check it's values. 

For this stage of the project, I'm not really concerned about speed but I will have to address this in the next version. I avoid race conditions in a macro way by ensuring that every layer has updated itself and the global array before the global array is read by using a barrier command. 

There is one little issue to remember when using global memory for internal purposes. It needs to be declared and allocated on the host. You don't need to do anything with it on the host but it cannot be allocated in a kernel.

Looking Forward

Having (yet again) learnt to design before coding, I've had a think about how I want the overall system to look. 

In my value passing experiment, I noticed that the overhead of launching a kernel is huge. Therefore the best way of getting the most performance out of the Epiphany is to launch the kernel once and then keep feeding it with data until there is not more data left.

This suits back propagation well because training requires multiple iterations through the training set which could be too big for global memory. Also, loading it into global memory before launching the kernel would introduce a serial component to the process that could be done by the host in parallel with the training that is happening on the Epiphany (and that's what we are all about after all).

Multiple executions of the feed forward algorithm also makes sense in certain applications. If you are using the neural net to recognise features in a video stream you will probably want to pass frames to the network as they arrive. Waiting for the kernel to launch for each frame would probably cause frame to be dropped while the host waits.

So, my target system looks like this:

It looks a bit complicated but the key thing to get is that the host is reading the next lot of input data into global memory while the Epiphany is processing. It then uses some sort of signalling mechanism to indicate that the data is ready. When the Epiphany is done, it signals back to the result reader thread to pull back the results from global memory.

To simplify the diagram, I've assumed that the main host thread is always going to be slower than the Epiphany and therefore never has to wait. While this might be the case in some applications, it may also have to wait to ensure that it does not get too far ahead and starts over-writing unprocessed data.

Up Next...

The next job is to figure out how to do the signalling. I'm going to have a look at the MPI libraries now included in the Brown Deer system. I think that they will do the job. 

After that, I'll tighten up local memory and figure out how to pass the weight deltas back to their origin node in an efficient manner.

As always, please comment, especially if I've missed something or if you have a suggestion. You can comment either here on Blogger, on the Parallella forum or on reddit.

Monday, 11 May 2015

Tweaks for the new Parallella image (20150130)

Upgrading to the new Parallella image: Recommended - but I have some tips and warnings.

Why Upgrade? - Performance

The first thing that you will notice when you have everything running is that it all goes a little faster. For me, the lag associated with using the Parallella has gone from just noticeable to mostly unnoticeable. The big applications still take a while to load but the day to day stuff does not annoy me any more.

Also, the reboot is a lot more reliable.

Where to get it

The Getting Started pages have been radically upgraded as has the download page. Getting the right image is easy and loading this image is a single write operation that is well explained. To expand the file system to fill the whole SD card I used gparted on my laptop which also serves as my file backup machine.

Tip and Warnings In Summary:

  1. Get your heating under control
  2. Install LXDE and tightvncserver (and code::blocks if you are using it)
  3. Upgrade to the Brown Deer OpenCL version 1.6.2
  4. Tweak your paths


First let me say that blurting out a comment that the new image is hopelessly unreliable and that you are reverting to the old one is a dumb thing to do. Just get your fan running so that the Zync stays under 70C (156F) and the new (and extremely rigorous) temperature daemon does not shut your Epiphany down. Nuff said.

PS. If you don't want to run xtemp continuously, I suggest you try olajep temperature script:

dir=$(dirname $(grep -rl xadc /sys/bus/iio/devices/*/name))

raw=`cat ${raw_file}`
offset=`cat ${offset_file}`
scale=`cat ${scale_file}`

c_temp=`echo "scale=1;(($raw + $offset) * $scale) / 1000" | bc`
f_temp=`echo "scale=1;(($c_temp * 9) / 5) + 32" | bc`

echo "Zynq Temp: $c_temp C / $f_temp F"

which will print the current temperature out on the command line.


I'm using a micro-server Parallella and I am NOT a command line jock. I need a mouse, windows, buttons, menus and all that good stuff. The image I downloaded did not come with LXDE (the Lightweight X-windows Desktop Environment) which was confusing at first. So, once you have booted up I suggest you run:

sudo apt-get update

to update the existing packages, followed by:

sudo apt-get upgrade

to pick up any upgrades. Then:

sudo apt-get install lxde tightvncserver

to install all that Xerox-Parc windowing goodness.


The image also came with version 1.6.0 of the Brown Deer OpenCL compiler. Attempting to run executables compiled with v1.6.0 will not work. To get the latest version:


to log in as root. To put the source files somewhere out of the way I used to root home directory, so:


The clone the sources files:

git clone

and from there it was plain sailing:

cd coprthr
./configure --enable-epiphany
make install (or sudo make install if you have not logged in as root)

I didn't have to install any required packages or point to any oddly placed libraries. (NB: this was my experience - as always if something goes wrong you'll have to sniff around to figure out the solution)


When I upgraded, I took a copy of my various projects and copied them, byte-for-byte to the new file system. After installing code::blocks and sorting out the compiler, I really expected them to work. What I found was that there were numerous "file not found" errors when I didn't get them before. I'm not sure why it could be either the new environment or the new compiler but you need to add a few more paths.

To find local include files the compiler search paths needs to include . (dot, the current directory).

Click Add and type .

To use the JIT compiler while Debugging your host code you need to include a PATH variable in the invocation command. 

The full string in the Executable path: text box is:

sudo -E LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/browndeer/lib:/opt/adapteva/esdk/tools/host/lib PATH=/usr/local/browndeer/bin:/opt/adapteva/esdk/tools/host/bin:/opt/adapteva/esdk/tools/e-gnu/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin EPIPHANY_HDF=/opt/adapteva/esdk/bsps/current/platform.hdf /usr/bin/gdb

This is the path from before with a cut down PATH variable inserted.

I have not checked this on Eclipse but I would presume that it would be the same.

Final Thoughts...

The only other thing I can think of is that your default login is now parallella (pwd: parallella) and so your home path is /home/parallella and not /home/linaro. If you use any explicit paths in your code or anywhere else, you'll need to change that.

If I have forgotten anything else I've tweaked I'll edit this post.

On balance, I think the upgrade was worthwhile. I use the parallella as a development machine with no massive libraries (e.g. OpenCV) and so code::blocks is the biggest thing I need. I run BOINC but getting that going is easy. If the UI response does not bother you and you have a lot of stuff installed (and are in the middle of something monumental) than maybe you might want to keep going with the old image for now.

Up Next...

More neural networks.

Friday, 27 March 2015

Intercore Communication and Profiling (sort of...)

In this post I will describe three ways of passing data between cores and provide some empirical comparisons using a rudimentary method of profiling.

In my last post I described a method of passing data from one core to the others using a broadcast strategy. Each core calculated the base address of each other core and wrote to a data structure at a known address. At the time I wrote my last post, I believed that this is could be improved and made a little more programmer friendly. To test out some alternative data passing methods, I designed a little experiment and used a rudimentary profiling strategy. I did find a significantly better alternative, but not where I expected.

Writing this post I'm using Brown Deer OpenCL (version 1.6) and the original Ubuntu 14.04 image.

To get my sample code execute:

git clone -b blog10files

Profiling in OpenCL

OpenCL provides the cl_event structure to pass onto the execution queue, created with the CL_QUEUE_PROFILING_ENABLED flag set to allow timing information to be retrieved using the clGetEventProfilingInfo call. This seems pretty straight forward but unfortunately this is currently not supported (according to the Parallella Quick Start Guide).

This leaves us with the timing support provided by C++. The library <ctime> provides the calls time(time_t & time) and clock_t clock = clock(). The time() call returns the number of seconds since 1 Jan 1970 which is too coarse to measure the execution of a small kernel. The clock() call returns the number of system clock ticks which is much smaller time intervals and, if all of the profiling is done on the same machine, will be accurate enough to get a feel for comparative execution times.

Surrounding the forka call time stamps seems simple enough but one must remember that the command queue is asynchronous so any calls prior to the forka and the forka itself must be called with the flag CL_EVENT_WAIT.

#include <ctime>

clock_t tstart, tend;

clmsync(stdacc, 0, debug, CL_MEM_DEVICE|CL_EVENT_WAIT);

tstart = clock();
clforka(stdacc, 0, krn, &ndr, CL_EVENT_WAIT, n, 1, debug);
tend = clock();

The main problem with this approach is that it measures everything that the forka does. Have a look at Adam Taylor's host code for a simple "Hello, World!" application. There is a lot of setting up code, which is buried within the forka. This is a little clumsy but will have to do for now.

Intercore Value Passing

Core ID Abstraction

In my last post I used the little gem (from djm):

#define LOCAL_MEM_ADDRESS_BASE(gid) (((32 + ((gid) / 4)) << 26) | ((8 + ((gid) % 4)) << 20))

to calculate the base address of the core and then used:

*(float *)(LOCAL_MEM_ADDRESS_BASE(gid_next) + ((unsigned int) derived) + (index * sizeof(float))) = value_being_passed;

Now, I love bit shifting as much as the next programmer but I don't really have to work out what every base address is. If I know my global id ( gid = get_global_id() ) I can figure out where the executing core is in the mesh and its relationship with all other cores because the base addresses don't change.

My second love is hexadecimal memory locations but they really increase your nerd status when your wife or girlfriend looks over your shoulder and wonders what on earth you are doing late into the night. Seriously though, does 0x8080 really mean anything to you? And what is it's relationship with 0x84b0. How many hops are there between the two?

The eSDK has a way of partitioning the cores based on their location in the grid. The stdcl library does not support this but it is still a good idea. Instead of 0x8080 we could say core00 and then it is obvious that there are 5 hops to core31 (formerly known as 0x84b0).

That suggests to me that the first snippet above (although pure poetry) can be abstracted away into some nice, convenient and most importantly, efficient include file that looks like this:

#define core00 0x80800000
#define core10 0x80900000
#define core20 0x80a00000


Topology Abstraction

The Epiphany is a rectangular mesh with each core connected to its nearest neighbours. This is great, but what if your application is better suited to a ring structure where it only had to communicate with two cores on each side of it in the ring. For this application, it would be convenient to relate to the next core as NEXT and the previous core as PREV. In this case, the ring topology would look like this:

If data only needed to flow around in one direction, then you would only need to refer to NEXT.

Similarly, you could define a row topology:

Or, if you really did need 3 Dimensional processing, a mesh topology where you only had to refer to NORTH, SOUTH, EAST and WEST would be really handy:

In the row and grid topology, the ends (e.g. RIGHT of core00) get assigned 0x0.

I have implemented these three topologies and used the ring in my sample code. The relevant code is:

unsigned int NEXT, PREV, ringIndex, gidOrder[CORECOUNT];
initRing(&NEXT, &PREV, &ringIndex, gidOrder);

The initRing call initialises all of the variables which are:
  • NEXT: the next core base address in the ring
  • PREV: the previous core base address in the ring
  • ringIndex: the position of the executing core within the ring (core00 is assigned 0 and core01 is 15)
  • gidOrder: an array with the global_ids in the order in which they come in the ring (gidOrder[ringIndex] == get_global_id(0)

Such definitions would even abstract away most of the need to refer to coreXX and would mean that, once set up, no core would have to execute an if... else... to figure out where it is in the mesh. The only exception would be using the row and mesh topologies, the code would have to check that it is not on the edge with no core further down the chain.

Abstracting the Assignment

One final abstraction is to clean up the assignment. To this end I've defined:


(The only difference between the two is the spelling of neighbour/neighbor.) 

Which is used (for an int assignment):

*(int*)NEIGHBOUR_LOC(NEXT, vLocal, i, sizeof(int)) = vLocal[i];

I still find this a bit clumsy but better than the original.

The Passing Experiment

The whole point of this exercise was to see if I could find a better alternative to the core-to-core broadcast method I implemented in my feed-forward pass of my neural network.

(For those who don't want to wade through my first post, the feed-forward pass is a series of matrix multiplication steps where the task is split between all cores. Each step produces another matrix which then is one input of the next step. Every core needs all of the values produced in the previous step, therefore every core must pass its results to every other core.)

The Original Method - Broadcast

The original method iterated through every remote core and wrote directly into it's memory. The code was simple enough but my "back of the envelope" calculation estimated that if every core just sent one value, there would be 640 intercore hops in the whole process.

I did improve on the original a little. I only calculated the remote core's base ID once (rather than every time I sent a value which is a obviously a waste of time).

Alternative Zero - Broadcast No Wait

I was also pretty sure that I didn't need so many calls to barrier() given that each core "owned" a chunk of the storage array on all cores and it alone wrote to it. So my first change was to implement the same broadcast strategy but with no barriers.

I wanted to write the best kernel I could so I generated an array of all core IDs (core00... core33) and iterated through the array sending all values to it except when the destination core ID was the same as the local core ID (no point in sending the value to itself).

Then I came up with two alternative strategies to test using my ring topology described above.

Alternative One - Unicast

Unicast uses the ring topology and passes it's local values to the next core. Then, it passes the values it has just received from the previous core in the ring onto the next core and so on until all values have flowed around the ring.

This would minimise the number of clashes but it does not use very much of the available bandwidth. Hence:

Alternative Two - Multicast

I read somewhere that the Epiphany has two channels on the cMesh (used for intercore write messages). Multicast (which should really be called Bicast) again uses the ring topology but passes values in two directions, thereby using both channels. Like Unicast, it first sends its own values (but in both directions) and then sends the values it has just received from its neighbours - values received from PREV are passed onto NEXT and values received from NEXT are passed onto PREV).

The Results

To see some sort of sensitivity I called each method 16 times. Each call I incremented an argument (n) from 1 to 16. All kernels passed n values to its neighbours. I expected to see some difference in execution time based on the kernels algorithm and some sort of trend line as n increased. However, my initial experiment did not show any difference between the methods or the volume of data passed at all. The chart looked like this:

The Y-axis is the number of clock ticks per call and the X-axis has the passing method (broardcast, broadcast No Wait, multicast and unicast), in ascending order of the number of values passed.

This was a bit disappointing at first. Taking into account a bit of random scatter, all the methods looked the same and there was no discernible trend line based on n. The average for all methods was just over 119,000 ticks. I thought I should take a larger sample.

At first, I surrounded everything in a loop and ran it 100 times. This made hardly any difference at all. The average nudged up a time bit but the overall picture looked the same.

As I mentioned above, the timing method I used measured the whole of the forka call. Because there was so little change between 1  and 100 iterations, I can only assume that the 119,000 odd clock ticks were all overhead!

Clearly, to see any sort of difference I'd have to dramatically increase the workload. So... 100,000 iterations...

Finally, a data set that tells a story! The averages (which include the 119,000 tick loading time) were:

  • Broadcast: 2,545,798 ticks
  • Broadcast No Wait: 302,535 ticks
  • Multicast: 1,521,429 ticks
  • Unicast: 2,623,446 ticks
And a roughly steady increase with the amount of data being sent.

But hang on... what story does it tell?

I was completely amazed by this result. Getting rid of the calls to barrier() decreased the execution time by almost 90%! Sure the algorithm was a little better but not that much!

Similarly, Multicast, with almost half the calls to barrier(), ran in almost half the time.

Here I was thinking that the number of hops was the dominant time consumer!


From this experiment, I propose the following conclusions:

0. Don't Wait... Minimise the use of barrier()

Coordinating cores using calls to barrier() is expensive.

While I thought my fancy topologies would speed things up by reducing the number of hops, the algorithm needed the cores to coordinate. In a "pass-it-along" scenario, each core had to make sure that the cores around it had successfully delivered their value(s) before it could pass it (or them) along.

Broadcast, using point-to-point communication didn't need coordination so the extra transmission cost was insignificant.

1. Give your cores a lot of work to do. 

The thing that slows parallel architectures down in general and especially with distributed memory architectures is communication overhead. This is usually interpreted as, "The cores need to pass information between each other and wait for results". However, when working with a remote device, communication overhead includes the amount of time the main processor needs to send the accelerator the kernel and the data to work on as well as the intercore communication.

So, when designing your system, cut off as big a chunk of work you can and get the little cores to do as much as possible - they are quite powerful... they can handle it.

Final thought...

While my topologies didn't deliver any significant gain in this case, I think that they would still be useful if the topology suited the algorithm. If I come across one, I'll write another post.

Up Next

I'm going to upgrade my system to the new image. I believe that the reboot is more reliable and you don't need to run you programs as root. Not a big deal but I still forget to login using su every now and then. I'll also revisit my old posts to update them if need be.

Then I'll keep going on my neural network simulator... Stay tuned.